OTbarbersupply 為您呈現 "Fresh out of TaiBAY" 系列劇集第一集!

2018 年初,我們來到了 "Bay Area" 也就是 NBA 球隊金州勇士所在的舊金山灣區,這裡是美國西岸僅次於洛杉磯的最大都會區,悠久的文化與歷史背景,造就了屬於灣區的獨到生活方式,而在灣區的理髮 “Barber” 文化也有著與各地截然不同的風格

本次我們很榮幸能與知名理髮師 “JayR Mallari” ( NBA 理髮師 ) 一同走訪他的理髮生涯的開始,拜訪當地極具聲望的理髮廳並與幾位相當有影響力的理髮師,進行訪談,內容包含了他們的生涯、經歷與他們所喜愛的工具等豐富內容

在第一集中,我們參訪了 “JayR Mallari” 位於奧克蘭核桃溪的工作室,並與我們分享/介紹他所常用的理髮工具、他平常的服務內容等, enjoy!




@otbarbersupply presents "Fresh out of TaiBAY" EP.1

featured the Legendary Barber @jayrmallari in our 1st web series episode, take we toured around the BAY AREA. We visited some local barbershops and interviewed some influential barbers in the industry @raaanjo and @cakenisrandy. Thank you @freshcuts_dalycity and @mr_cut_to_contrast for letting us grab some exclusive footage.

The first episode, we will visit JayR Mallari’s studio in Walnut Creek, JayR will introduce us his studio and the barber tools he uses, enjoy ! 

🎥 EP.2 coming very soon, Stay tuned with us !



💈 THE RINGER ; 🏀 NBA 球員髮型的秘密:透析 NBA 理髮師們的世界。

💈OT 理髮大師系列 “NBA 理髮師” JayR Mallari( JayR )


“ 工欲善其事,必先利其器 ” 
Workers must first sharpen his tools for good things. 
查看專業理髮用品-> https://www.otbarbersupply.com

