MORE THAN A HAIRCUT:Weaving Relationships Beyond Cuts SEASON 1
不只是理髮:編織超越理髮的關係 第一季


“不只是理髮” 系列劇集 - 第一季:預告
AUNTIE'S 團隊來到了日本,探訪了 Frank's Chop Shop 於日本的福岡、京都與沖繩的三個據點,在分別融入店裡團隊裡的一份子的一週時間內,除了實際的為當地顧客提供服務外,深入的對談與交流,探討並為彼此編織出超越理髮的關係 現在請先讓我們一起觀看屬於 AUNTIE'S 本次旅程的回憶片段,此外,也請期待接下來將持續釋出的系列節目!

The AUNTIE'S team visited Japan, exploring Frank's Chop Shop locations in Fukuoka, Kyoto, and Okinawa. Over a week, they integrated into the local teams, providing services to customers and engaging in deep conversations and exchanges, building relationships that go beyond haircuts. Now, let's watch the Trailer of AUNTIE'S journey. Also, stay tuned for the upcoming episodes of the series!




不只是理髮的構思與發展 - 




在 Frank's Chop Shop 店裡,那當初的激情再次無比生動與清晰

而這也是 AUNTIE'S 下一個十年之旅的開始.

Conception and development for MORE THAN A HAIRCUT
Life is a constant process of expansion and convergence. Pursuits and goals also gradually change with time.

Ten years are enough to turn a young man into a more mature individual. The blazing flames that once spread outward have transformed into a quiet, internal fire. It's no longer blinding and scorching, but still burns intensely and robustly.

Compared to the past, skills and services have become muscle memory. The question of what to do next becomes exceptionally clear after walking this path for over a decade.

This is the origin of all thoughts, and thus this journey was born. The focus is no longer on techniques but on the most important aspect: relationships between people.

Every initial thought is often simple, but the execution process makes it complex. In an instant, memories flash back to the cold Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York, more than ten years ago, at Frank's Chop Shop. Those memories are vivid and clear.

Revisiting my original philosophy, once again conversing with myself through haircuts, marks the beginning of AUNTIE'S journey for the next decade.


Production -
Executive producers|
AUNTIE'S. @aunties_barberngood
OTI Operation Technology Inc. @otbarbersupply
Willy Huang @willyhuang90
Director |
周哲民 Mickey Chou @directedbychou

#AUNTIES #AuntiesBarberGood #OTI #OTbarbersupply #frankschopshop 



💈 OT 專業理髮; Fresh out of TaiBAY(台北到灣區)系列劇集 #EP1.  

『 男仕理髮文化 』Oaklands Barbershops 奧克蘭理髮廳紀錄特輯 – “ The Tapered Throne ” By 攝影師 Brandon Tauszik
『 男仕理髮文化 』 THE RINGER ; 🏀 NBA 球員髮型的秘密:透析 NBA 理髮師們的世界。

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“ 工欲善其事,必先利其器 ” 
Workers must first sharpen his tools for good things. 


