OT理髮資訊| 農曆二月二 – 龍抬頭 



* 2019 農曆 2/2 為國曆 3/8(五)
* 2020 農曆 2/2 為國曆 2/24(一)
* 2021 農曆 2/2 為國曆 3/14(日)
* 2022 農曆 2/2 為國曆 3/4(五)
* 2023 農曆 2/2 為國曆 2/21(二)


俗話說:二月二龍抬頭,家家男子剃龍頭。龍抬頭(二月二)又被稱為「春耕節」、「農事節」、「春龍節」、「青龍節」「春髮節」,是漢族民間傳統節日。人們往往會選擇在這天剪頭髮,那麼大家是否知道,什麼是龍抬頭? 為什麼龍抬頭要剪頭髮呢 ?










“ 二月二,曰龍抬頭,煎元旦祭余餅,熏床炕,謂之熏蟲兒,謂引龍,沖、蟲不出也。”《帝京景物略·卷二春場》
“ 二月二日,古之中和節也。今人呼為龍抬頭。是日食餅者謂之龍鱗餅,食麵者謂之龍鬚面。閨中停止針線,恐傷龍目曰。”《燕京歲時記》


“ 二月二日,各村疃社醵錢獻生,謂之'扶龍頭'。提壺汲井水注之,曰'引龍頭'。”《大同府志》

“ 二月朔日為青龍節,取灶圍物,如龍蛇狀,名曰引錢龍。” 《中華全國風俗志》



傳說故事 1. ︰堯王


傳說堯王的父親帝嚳(帝俊)共有四個王妃:姜嫄(jiāng yuán)、簡狄(jiǎn dí)、慶都、常儀。本來常儀的地位最低,可自從生了兒子,眾人就另眼相看了。慶都一直為沒有兒子煩惱。有人告訴她,神母廟求子很靈驗,只要真心實意,沒有不成的。慶都照女巫說的,在元宵節的晚飯後,去廟裡擺上供品,然後恭恭敬敬地磕了仨頭,雙手合十,祈求神靈賜子。




傳說故事 2. ︰武則天











二月二日剃頭流傳到今天 300多年,從西元 1644 年清軍入關開始,官方要求所有男子必須留沙壺頭,四周沒有頭髮,中間一綹,編上個辮子。









Spring Dragon Festival

(春(chūn) 龙(lóng) 节(jié) )
Date: The second day of the second lunar month

The folklore goes that every second day of the second lunar month is the time when the dragon in charge of rain lifts its head. From that day on rainfall will increase gradually, so it is called the “Spring Dragon Festival” or “Dragon Head Festival.” These is a saying widely spread in the north of China that “the dragon lifts its head on the second day of the second lunar month and large barns will be full and small ones will overflow.”

On every occasion of the Spring Dragon Festival, families in most of the areas in northern China will go to wells or rivers to fetch water with their lanterns on in the morning. Then they will come back home and turn on the light, burn joss sticks and offer up sacrifices. This ceremony was called “attracting the dragon in the field” in the old times. On this festival, every family should eat noodles, which means “lifting the dragon’s head”; fry cakes, which means “eating the dragon’s gallbladder” (the Chinese people believe that it is the gallbladder that decide one’s courage); and pop corn so that “golden beans can blossom; dragon god can return to heaven and distribute the rain to the earth and crops can grow well.”

A story about the origin of the Spring Dragon Festival prevails among people. In the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetian the queen came to power and became the empress, which irritated Yuhuang Dadi in the heaven. He ordered the four dragon gods who are in charge of the rain not to rain a single drop in three years. However, the dragon god who is in charge of the heaven river couldn’t bear to see people on earth being driven to death, so he broke Yuhuang Dadi’s rule and secrely rained once. Yuhuang Dadi became so angry that he kept the dragon god under the mountain as a kind of torture, and a stele on the mountain read as follows:

The dragon king violates the heavenly rules by dropping rain
And is subject to thousands of years of punishment on earth
If ever he wishes to go back to the heavenly palace
It’s only when golden beans give birth to flowers.

To save the kind-hearted dragon god, people went everywhere to find the golden beans. On the second day of the second lunar month the next year, people found the secret of golden beans when they were tedding the seeds of corn: since the corn is just like golden beans, isn’t that the golden beans blossom when the corn is popped? So every family began to pop the corn and set up the altar to offer the blossomed“golden beans” as sacrifices. The dragon god lifted his head and saw all this.

Knowing that people are trying to rescue him, he cried to Yuhuiang Dadi, “The golden beans have blossomed, so please set me free!” Yuhuang Dadi had no choice but to call the dragon god back to heaven and give back his job. From then on it became a habit that people pop corn on the second day of the second lunar month.

Actually, it is just the characteristic of North China Monsoon that the rainfalls begin to grow after to grow after the second day of the second lunar month. However, seen from another perspective, the festival also shows people’s wishes for fine weather and a better harvest.




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